Data types are used to specify the type of values to be stored in the variables.
1. Int: Integer (int) data type is used to store the whole numbers i.e. numbers without decimal points. It takes two bytes of memory.
2. Char: Char data type is used to store only characters. A character may be a number, alphabet or any symbol. It takes one byte of memory to store one variable.
3. Long: This data type is also used for storing whole numbers but of higher range than that of int. It takes four bytes of memory.
4. Float: This data type is used to store real numbers and it takes four bytes of memory.
5. Double: It is another data type to store real numbers but of higher range than the float.
i think these r two types of data type,….are following
1. primary data type
2. secondery data type
explain these data types please…